On December 16-17, 2021, a joint online event of the Youth Council of the Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities " Students and young scientists Forum: Fundamental medicine and diseases (oncology)" was organized. more than 60 thousand


The V International Competition of Youth Projects in the Field of Medical Rehabilitation "Rehabilitation+" has started under the aegis of RKAMU. The main goal of the Competition is to promote the most promising scientific, socially oriented and


On December 7, 2021, the II Sino-Russian Forum of young scientist was held. 30 reports in the areas of pharmacy and medicine were presented: identification, development and quality control of innovative medicines; study of molecular



Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities (ASRMU) was established in 2014 on the initiative of Sechenov University and Harbin Medical University aimed at rapid development of healthcare in the two countries. The main idea of ASRMU is the expansion of cooperation in the areas of scientific research and stimulation of direct contacts between medical organizations in both countries. We strive to achieve our goals through the exchange of best practices in the field of life sciences.

The Association initiates and coordinates joint events in the following areas:

Scientific research

Network educational programmes

Academic mobility

Competitions, summer and winter schools

Scientific events

Events annually

ASRMU Members

The members of ASRMU are 56 Chinese and 46 Russian universities that implement higher education programs in the field of medicine and health care. In order to join the Association, interested Chinese universities must send a corresponding request to the co-founding university on the Chinese side - Harbin Medical University.

The decision on admission new members is made by the Standing Council.


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